Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Why do I eat at home?

This can be one of the questions that people ask whenever I go home quickly for having lunch or dinner.
Well, there is a very simple explanation for that. I respect the person who cooks the food at home. Sometimes, the food may be undelicious, but it does not matter. I eat simply because I want to show my respect. My grandma cooks everyday since she was 13, now she has been cooking for 60 years. Can you imagine? If I don’t eat, it might ruin her heart.
Of course, people can argue, Agus, you can show your respect by doing something else. Say, communicating with her more frequently, or buying gifts, etc. Yes, that is undeniably true. But, this is the way I want to show respect. Besides, my siblings rarely eat at home. Just by being there during lunch time and dinner time, I believe I show that I care for her. Certainly, it does not mean that communication is not necessary.
But the little things that we do sometimes mean more than all the words we can say. What do you think?

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