Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

The controversial resurrection

20 April 2007
Was He really resurrected? According to our dear Pastor Ioanes Rakmat, He was not. There goes the cornerstone of Christian faith. He was not resurrected, at least according to research into the Talpiot archaeological sites quoted by Dr. Rakhmat in his much debated article published just before the Good Friday.
How pitiful we were if He had not been resurrected!
I agree that we should look critically at our own faith so that we are not trapped by blind obedience or fundamentalism. Nevertheless, let us not also astray into uncontrolled liberal thoughts and deny that one solid rock of our faith.
Our faith must work together with our mind–this I strongly adhere to. To do what? To deny the dogmas of the church? To deny the resurrection and consider it a made-up mythology? Or to bring down the entire Christian civilization?
I believe not. Our faith must work together with our mind to prove that indeed He was resurrected, to strengthen the faith of the believers, and to advance humanity with the light of Christian faith. Is that too much to ask to those seminarians and so-called theological experts? They, in my opinion, have done nothing other than making controversial statements to make themselves more famous than the others.
I always dream that someday I will study theology, not to be a minister for I have asked the Lord so many times whether I should be one or not. The answer is clearly no. I want it just because I simply love learning and talking about that foundation that holds together my entire life.

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