Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Salvation should be free

7 November 2006
After teaching the management students for some time, I realize one important thing about salvation according to Christian faith.
In the class we have regulations that we have to follow. I repeteadly say to my students that if you come late more than 15 minutes, you will be considered absent. I also say that if you don’t bring your book, don’t bother coming into the class.
However, as the time goes, sometimes I let the students come late more than 15 minutes, because there is rain or other consideration. I also give opportunity for those who forget their books to come to the class as long as they make copies at the beginning of the lesson. Eventually, all students ask for the same treatment. (I still of course consider those who are really late as absent– no compromise here). So eventually, it is difficult to have a compasion-based regulation. It is either you bring the book or else you cannot come to the class. However, what I usually do is the opposite. I extend the compassion to all. No matter you bring the book or not, as long as you come on time, you can come in.
I start to think that God also does the same (to a certain degree). He cannot be compasionate just for some and then be angry with some others. It is highly unfair. Moreover, is it really possible that we be very good as God requires us to do? To some extent, we are all disappointments to God. Just like all the management students are disappointments for me. For that reason, no one actually deserves God’s compassion. But God through Jesus Christ makes all of us deserve God’s compassion. He did the total opposite. Instead of sending everyone to hell, He’s going to save all. So that everyone can come to Him without having to do any good deeds as long as you trust Him. That’s it, nothing else required.
Now mind you, I still feel unhappy with the management students. But luckily God doesn’t do so with us.

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