Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Not in the mood for anything– A revelation from Ully

9 November 2006
I have just learned that whenever I update my blog, everyone on my friendster list will get e-mail notifying them about that. This is bad. I didn’t mean to do that. It can disturbing for some people. Let’s imagine that you are a busy person. You don’t have time to relax that much and by the time you open your e-mail account, there are three notifications from me that I have updated my blog. How annoyed will you be? So sorry if you are annoyed.So I have to lessen the entries in this blog and find a way to stop that from happening again.
But lately, I am not in the mood for anything. I was not in the mood for teaching yesterday, writing on the blog, and not in the mood of doing anything other than doing nothing. Maybe, I am already drained and exhausted. Need a break.
Unluckily, I don’t have much time. I work 8 hours a day Monday-Friday, teach 4 hours in Saturdays and spend 3 hours in Sundays at the church for doing the administrative stuff along with worshipping. Maybe, I need to really make a priority list, which things are really necessary and which things I have to abandon.
Today, I saw Lia’s profile on friendster. She has a picture of herself in Rome. So nice! I wish I could be in Rome. Perhaps, it is high time for me to pursue a PhD like Lia does. She ends up joining a conference in Rome. For free! Her school pays for that. How lovely! Today I think I also get the assurance that I do not get the Chevening Awards. It is already the 10th of November and there is no notification about the result of my application yet, while it was written in the website that all successful candidates would be notified by November. No notification. Bad omen. There goes my dream of going to London for free for a year. On the brighter side, I got this revelation from Ully–a teacher at PPB who was my first partner in teaching. She said that she would not give another masters scholarship for a person like me. Why would any agency spend more money on someone who has been overseas and has done a master? She would consider me for a PhD, though. Well, that’s it. I’m not gonna waste my time on an attempt to get another master anymore. PhD, here I come.

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