Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Suddenly the world becomes very wide

22 December 2007

Suddenly, I think the world is very wide. There are just limitless possibilities. Having been in the Embassy for four months, I am now exposed to the myriad of possibilities for someone with my qualification, language proficiency and background.
Ibu Dhita was right probably when she turned down my intention to go back to teaching. I still can excel in other fields besides teaching. So the dreams I tried to bury last time, now emerge again. I still can go the distance and I probably will attempt to go the distance.
Don’t get me wrong. I still have every intention to have a PhD and be a professor someday, but it does not necessary mean that I should just be here in Indonesia or serve with full loyalty to one organisation. I can try so many other things and live in other parts of the world before deciding to teach again in the future.
So my sister was also right when she asked me to just hang on in the current job. At the end, I myself will benefit from staying. So it is also probably a very good idea to let go the joy and comfort of teaching at UI and let myself explore the uncertain world outhere. It is probably high time to let UI slip into history and embrace whatever that may come and wherever that may be. This is a healthier way of looking at the future.
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