Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Two books, two tests, a paper, a summary

10 May 2008
Now, it’s almost midnight. I have a million of things to do. But as usual, I want to write something. I am celebrating the fact that I have a book published already. Gloria finally printed my translation of 3:16, the Numbers of Hope. I am not the sole translator for the book, but it is worth celebrating. I have my name on a book! A second book is coming. This time, I am the sole translator. After waiting for 3 years, finally the book is in the final stages of editing and will be printed next month. So, I’ll be waiting for that OMF publication.I have two tests. Well, one has already passed actually. Finally, I took an IELTS test again. Not bad, but not great. I could assess my own score since I have been teaching and marking IELTS at PPB for a very long time. The score will not be great, I suppose, but sufficient to enter a university. And, boy, the waiting for the speaking test took three hours. Hopefully, I don’t have to sit for IELTS ever again. On Tuesday, I’ll have a pastoral theology test. Frankly, I haven’t learned and probably will not have time to learn.My paper about the four belalang at the Book of Joel has been accepted by Atma Jaya. Next Monday is the presentation time. I have not been able to write the presentation up to now. Tomorrow has to be the date for the writing.My summary, which is very long, is also due next Monday. It’s a very torturing exercise for me. I can’t believe to obtain a master degree, we still need to write summaries and not literature review. What a difference of studying overseas and studying in Indonesia. Finally, after my second visit to Jayapura, Indonesia is still a very beautiful country. The green islands, blue seas, and white sandy beaches still capture my heart in awe. It’s a pity that such a rich country should languish in poverty. It is true then, I think, our task as a church is not only to satisfy people’s hunger for heavenly bread, but also the actual people’s hunger for earthly bread. That’s why our theology should be fitted with our own context in Indonesia and should not just be simple imports from the West. Well, my first steps of being an ecumenical-mainstream-Indonesian theologian, I suppose.

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